Fun day at Anna anadhai illam

               JoY Of gIviNG WeEk..!!!!! n Anna anadhai illam We all really enjoyed wit those kids,nd made all those each nd every hearts dance n happiness:) wen i 1st heard tat line "JOY OF GIVING WEEK" i just knw the meaning of tat, tats it, but after wen v wr doin our wrk over their, n tat hme, V observed tat "JOY OF GIVING"...!!:) s th sweetest feel tat v ve ever had:)My self nd behalf of Prasanth Ekambaram, our SINCERE thanks to all:)Speacial thanx fa DANCE CHOREOGRAPHERS: Krish Bala, Krish Sudhann:)
       This would have not been possible without the funds raised by our friends and other donors.We all express our sincere gratitude to all ,who were part of this whole idea.


  1. :).... Beautiful things happns wen good hearted ppl bind together.. :D...

  2. hi plz sent Anna anadhai illam address 9884929346 this number brother
